v-Consult User Guide for Practice Staff

v-Consult User Guide for Practice Staff

v-Consult is a tool for General Practices aimed at implementing a True Triage model in general practice using online consultations. 

What functionalities are implemented on the Admin Dashboard of v-Consult? 

The following functionalities are implemented on the dashboard. 

The Doctor/admin can 

1. View the consultation request 
2. Send a prescription through SMS and Email 
3. Send advice and guidance through SMS and Email 
4. Request the patient for more information through SMS and Email 
5. Send the bulk SMS 
6. Schedule the bulk SMS 
7. Download the consultation in PDF format 
8. View the analytical report for all the consultation requests in the bar and pie chart 
9. Download the graphs as png or jpeg 
10. Download the data as a CSV file 
11. Schedule the v-Consult for temporary closure 
12. View the General Enquires.
13. Update the practice information for v-Consult
    1. Changing the logo,  

    2. Changing the practice email address  

    3. Setting the opening and closing time  

    4. Changing the response time 

    5. Changing the email address for all four consultations 

  1. Integrating the v-Consult's consultation requests to the SystmOne and EMIS 

How to switch off and on the v-Consult through the dashboard? 

Step 1:  Navigate to the website home page, scroll down to the footer and click on v-Consult Admin Login to  Login to the Admin dashboard.

Step 2: Enter the Login credentials and click on Login. 

From the dashboard, admin staff can perform the following actions 

·         Setting opening and closing hours for v-Consult 

·         Making v-Consult unavailable temporarily during bank holidays or maintenance  


Setting opening and closing hours for v-Consult 

Step 1: If you want to close the v-Consult for a single day, you can do it by clicking the Site configuration under Settings. 


Step 2: Change the opening and closing time to 00:00 to close the whole day and type the closure message 


Step 3: Scroll down and click on Save site configuration. 



Temporary closure of v-Consult during bank holidays or maintenance  

Step 1:  You will be logged in to the v-Consult dashboard and click Temporary Closure to switch off during the bank holiday. 



Step 2:  Select the range of date and time. Add the related closing message and click on Add temporary closure. 


Step 3: You can edit or delete the Temporary Closure. 


Step 4: Logout from the v-Consult dashboard.  


How to change the response time of all four consultations? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard, click on Site configuration under Settings. 


Step 2: Scroll down until you see Consultation response time in days, and add the days. Click on Save site configuration.


How to change the consultation notification email ID? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard, click on Site configuration under Settings. 


Step 2: Scroll down until you see Notification Email Settings, and add/change the email id. Click on Save site configuration at the bottom of the page. 



How to view the consultation details and take relevant action based on the outcome of the consultation? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard, click on any of the consultations, for example, New consultation and click on the EYE icon to view the consultation details of that particular patient.  




Step 2: To ask for more information regarding the condition, click on the Question mark icon. 




Step 2.1: Send health questionnaires to patient and click Send health questionnaires.




Step 2.2: To provide advice and guidance, click on the Document icon.  


Step 2.3: Add the subject, message and upload the leaflet and click Send. 



How can I view the analytical report for the consultation requests? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard. You can check all four consultations requests count on the pie and bar chart. 


Step 2: You can select the custom dates and check the report.  


Step 3: Click on three bars towards the right and click on Download CSV to download the count of the requests. 


Step 4: Click on three bars towards the right and click on the View data table to view the consultation requests count on the dashboard.  


How can I download the consultation request as a PDF? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard, click on the relevant consultation and click on the Document icon towards the right.  


How can I send the bulk SMS? 

Step 1: Login to the dashboard, click on Bulk SMS under Patients and Send bulk SMS toward the right 



Step 2: Upload the excel file which has the patient names and mobile numbers (you can download the sample excel file for your reference). 




Step 3: Click on Send SMS to send the SMS to all the selected patients 



How can I schedule the bulk SMS? 

Step 1:  Login to the dashboard, click on Bulk SMS under Patients. Add the Message and upload the patients' names and phone numbers in excel format (you can download the sample excel file for your reference) and click on Schedule SMS  



Step 2: Select the date and time and click on Schedule SMS. 


How can I view the General Enquiries?
Step 1: Click on any General Enquiries, for example New patient registration adult. 


Step 2: To view the form, click on the eye icon.

Step 3: To mark it as close, click on mark as closed button.

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