How do I book an appointment on behalf of a customer?

How do I book an appointment on behalf of a customer?

This can be done directly from the checkfront calendar.
Step 1: Go to the calendar view and select the date you would like to book the appointment for. If it is not within the range shown already, you can jump to the date you want.

Step 2: Click the plus button on the cell of the calendar that is on the correct date and with the correct appointment type. For example, to book a Group booking for immigration on the 13th of december, you would select this cell

This will bring up the appointment booking window.
Step 4: Click book now which will bring up the booking system. Add the number of customers as required.

Step 5: In the case of an interpreter/additional services being required, select them on the next page

Step 6: Fill out the booking form with the customer's details. Once you have finished, a booking will be created with a status of pending and you will be taken to a summary page for that booking.
Step 7: To then take a payment for this booking, click the add payment option and enter the customer's card details

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